The restrictions that came with the Corona crisis demanded great sacrifices from all people. At the same time, they showed us clearly that we are all affected in the same way, regardless of our origin, religion, or skin color. The feasts that people celebrate every year are no longer the same: Easter and Pesach in 2020 were not the family feasts they usually are, just as Ramadan is not the same this year.
Therefore, we took this situation as an opportunity to set an example of togetherness through our action as well as a way to bring joy to the people in these hard times.
Together with sponsors, we created the Ramadan gift boxes. They were filled with many delicacies and small gifts, such as Eastern food and delicacies, traditional dates, and candles. Interested people could order the gift boxes on our website, pick them up in our office (in compliance with the hygiene corona regulations), and then distribute them to persons and families of their choice.

The origin or religion of the giver or recipient was completely irrelevant. We wanted to pass on to everyone the feeling of sharing and togetherness – which is a key point in Ramadan.
Many people took part in our action. We received a lot of positive feedback on the project. We were able to reach people who were particularly affected by the restrictions imposed by the corona crisis, and we were able to encourage togetherness. A successful project that will continue to strengthen us in our efforts to promote social cohesion.
About: 180° Wende started in 2012 in Cologne, Germany, as a bottom-up initiative that creates networks of young people to prevent youth radicalization and delinquency. With a unique peer-to-peer approach, the project reaches out to those who are left behind by ordinary institutions. 180° Wende connects the youth community to support their disadvantaged peers and empowers them to reclaim their own lives by reconquering their social environment.
Organization: 180° Wende
UNAOC Programme: Intercultural Innovation Award
Year: 2019
Website: http://180gradwende.de/en/home/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/180.Grad.Wende/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/180GradWende
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/180gradwende/